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Cameras Monitors Viewfinders
Model Description HTM-1505R To ensure normal operation of the front power switch (9/01/05) HTM2050RA1/HTM2050R2 Recommended modification to Def. Board and HV out board (5/2/03) TM14-17R/RA CRT Modification Procedure (5/12/05) TM14-17R/RA/20-17R/RA To eliminate an input switching problem (7/30/07) TM14-9RH/TM20-9RH Monitor shut down or no high voltage (4/25/91) TM14-15RH/TM20-15RH
/TM14-19RH/TM20-19RHRetrace lines at top of monitor (7/25/91) TM14-15RH/TM20-15RH
/TM14-19RH/TM20-19RHFBT modification (894k pdf) TM14-20RH CRT Replacement (02/25/05) TM14-20RH RGB OUT board (10/12/01) TM14-20RH/TM20-20RH FBT modification (1177k pdf) TM20-30RH Deflection board (7/22/96) TM9-1 Vertical deflection problem (2/21/08) V-R82P-SDI To improve the stability of the SDI input (7/18/05)
Model Description VF46HDE The picture shrinks in vertical height over time. (12/07/09) VFL-900HD No operation due to blown fuse (10/31/07) VFxxx Most 1.5" and 2.0" Viewfinder's Eyepiece Rotation (7/10/09)
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