ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. These three key factors yield not only short-term benefits and outcomes, but also increase long-term corporate value.

This ESG has come to attract our attention, together with an increase in interest towards “sustainability” which means to properly maintain and develop the environment, society, economy, etc. in the future.

SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals which are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. They are included in a UN Resolution called the 2030 Agenda or what is colloquially known as Agenda 2030.
The UN Foundation focuses on ideas and initiatives that generate large impact, advance the SDG imperative to “leave no one behind,” and are backed by evidence, practical commitments, and action.

Ikegami Tsushinki Co., Ltd., as a telecommunications and professional imaging company, will sincerely face the challenges the world faces and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through its business activities.

Ikegami ESG action and SDGs

  • Compliance with ISO14001 environmental management system
  • Carbon dioxide reduction
  • Copy paper reduction
  • Introduction of high efficient air conditioning
  • Adoption of LED lighting
  • Preservation activities of “Fujisawa” killifish
  • Compliance with RoHS regulation program


  • Development and sales of honeycomb catalyst inspection equipment
  • Development and sales of environmental care products
7.Affordable and clean energy Responsible consumption and production 13.Climate action 14.Life below water 15.Life on land

  • Response to human rights, environment, fair trade, etc. in accordance with CSR procurement guidelines
  • Protection and management of personal information
  • Promotion of diversity and work-life balance


  • Development and sales of medical camera and monitor
  • Development and sales of tablet inspection equipment
  • Development and sales of water sewage plant management system
  • Development and sales of transportation / disaster prevention monitoring

  • Development and sales of river monitoring system
  • Participation in joint research such as industry-government-academia collaboration
3.Good health and well-being 5.Gender equality 6.Clean water and sanitation 8.Decent work and economic growth 11.Sustainable cities and communities 17.Partnership for the goals

  • Proactive information disclosure
  • Board diversity
  • Establishment of RC committee and office of internal audit
9.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 16.Peace, justice and strong institutions


Initiatives toward SDGs
(solving social issues through business)
3.Good health and well-being
Medical camera system

Images recorded by a small high-resolution camera embedded in an operating microscope or installed in a surgical light are used not only for smooth operation progress, but also for training younger generations and presenting at academic conferences. And by sharing images from multiple operating rooms within a hospital system, our medical cameras contribute to operational efficiency.

Pharmaceutical inspection equipment

With image processing technology as the core, we are developing and manufacturing inspection equipment that detects foreign matter, chipped tablets, and faint printing. We achieved high-speed processing of up to 700,000 tablets / hour for various types of pharmaceuticals, which contributes to the efficient production of high-quality pharmaceutical products.

6.Clean water and sanitation
Water sewage plant management system

We supply monitoring systems to many water infrastructure plants (water and sewage facilities) to ensure a healthy water environment. With these systems, constantly monitoring water and sewage facilities, which are important social infrastructure, we contribute to the realization of a society in which safe water is always available.

7.Affordable and clean energy
Honeycomb catalyst inspection equipment

We have commercialized for the first time in Japan “honeycomb structure inspection equipment” that automatically inspects for defects such as clogging of the honeycomb structure used for automobile catalytic converters, etc.
Reducing the emission of environmental pollutants is an important issue for the realization of a sustainable society. Catalysts that turn environmentally harmful substances into harmless ones are widely used as one of the solutions.

11.Sustainable cities and communities
Helicopter TV imaging & transmission systems

In addition to onboard imaging for rescue from the air, aerial fire extinguishing and air emergency activities, this system also has the function of transmitting video information taken by the onboard camera to headquarters. This plays an extremely important role in immediately understanding the overall scope of the issue so the needed support can be mobilized at an early stage. Utilizing our technology and experience, we are contributing to society by providing this system for firefighting, disaster prevention, and other uses including law enforcement and news coverage.

River monitoring system

Frequent large-scale disasters due to abnormal weather in recent years have increased the need for river and flood zone monitoring. In conditions where you need to know the water level in places with no light, our high sensitivity system can check the river conditions in combination with infrared light even under a pitch-black night sky. We are contributing to society in the field of disaster prevention and mitigation with an extensive lineup of products utilizing our video technology, and system construction capability.

High altitude camera

By quickly grasping the status of fires, it helps with firefighting and emergency activities. In the event of an incident, pointing the camera in the desired direction enables quicker and more detailed understanding of the situation, which leads to early support and minimizing damage. With these technologies, we are contributing to society by realizing safe and secure community development, as well as, disaster prevention.

17.Partnership for the goals
Promotion of partnership alliance

In order to contribute to solving social issues, we focus on gathering technology and knowledge by strengthening cooperation with various external stakeholders, and participate in various projects. We work on a wide range of social contributions with all of our strengths. We aim to solve global social issues through our business by broadly collaborating with society, such as partnerships between companies, open innovation, and industry-government-academia collaboration.


Initiatives toward SDGs
(back office management strengthening)
8.Decent work and economic growth
Respect for human rights and creating a rewarding workplace

We will respect human rights, the personality and individuality of each and every employee, and build and maintain a healthy and productive employment and rewarding work environment that will not be subject to harassment. In reply to the needs of working styles according to the various situations of our employees and social demands, we have established personnel systems and infrastructure and are actively engaging in work style reform.

9.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The challenge of constant technological innovation

We are constantly striving to acquire technology for the sustainable development of social infrastructure. In particular, we have positioned Image, Process, and Transmission technologies related to video as our core competence (IP & T), and aim to provide products and services that satisfy our customers.

Nogaku is a traditional Japanese performing art that has been refined over a long history of over 600 years. The National Noh Theater has been creating complete original versions (complete packages) by video recording and linear editing using tape media as a performance record. Now they have changed to non-linear editing of digitally recorded material using a workstation. Even in the field of artistic and cultural activities, we are contributing to the succession of traditional culture by providing the functions of recording, editing, and storing high-quality images.

R2(Real Remote) SYSTEM:
Remote Production System

The flow of labor saving through automation has been tackled as work style reform, and it is accelerating as a new normal at video production sites. The R2 SYSTEM overcomes conventional physical limitations with a multi-axis robot arm and Ikegami’s unique intuitive control technology, and provides a new style to camera work. We will continue to propose new production styles together with our customers and partners.

13.Climate action
Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

As part of our response to climate change issues, we are working on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In particular, in the head office we have upgraded to highly efficient air-conditioning equipment and switched to LED lighting. We will continue to work on reducing greenhouse gas emissions company-wide.

14.Life below water
Distribution of eco bags to all employees

Contamination of marine life by plastic shopping bags is regarded as a problem. Ikegami Tsushinki distributes eco-bags to all employees and conducts environmental awareness activities to raise their interest in environmental issues.

15.Life on land
Fujisawa Medaka (killifish) school

Fujisawa’s unique killifish “Fujisawa Medaka” are swimming in the pond on the premises at our System Center. Since the population of “Fujisawa Medaka” has decreased to the extent that it was once thought to have become extinct, in November 2003 we released them into a pond on the premises and started conservation activities. We have been protecting and breeding since then. We also accept tours of elementary school children around the factory and donate Fujisawa Medaka. It is now a healing presence for System Center employees.

16.Peace, justice and strong institutions
Efforts to promote compliance

In order to comprehensively promote compliance activities, we are promoting company-wide efforts under the leadership of the Compliance Committee and the Internal Audit Office. We maintain and foster a high level of compliance awareness by conducting regular compliance training and actively utilizing the whistleblowing system.

Penetration of SDGs among employees
Penetration activities for employees

We conduct online training for managers. Ikegami Tsushinki recently held a group discussion on social issues that could be tackled, and it was an opportunity to consider social issues as one’s own and to think about the next actions to be taken. This practice is ongoing.

Ikegami Tsushinki Co. Ltd.